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Reviews & Quotations:
"Jacobs has circumnavigated the globe performing his exotic hybrid of gypsy jazz, flamenco, Eastern European folk music on solo 12-string guitar"
Guitar Player Magazine
"The rockin'est 12-string guitar since early Leo Kottke"
Austin Chronicle
"He does everything to that guitar but give it an herbal massage"
Livingston Taylor
"World music in the best sense of the genre"
Minor Seventh Review
"Leo Kottke, Al Dimeola, and Phil Keaggy blended together"
Guitar Player Magazine
"Imagine Russian cowboy music! Imagine flamenco joined with Balkan dances! Imagine one guy doing that while sounding like an entire orchestra!"
Cleveland Sun Messenger
"Quite simply a jaw-dropping master of the 12-string guitar"
John Sinkevics, Grand Rapids Press
"Modern Fingerstyle that's sure to send chills up and down your spine." Cool Cleveland
"Mesmerizing style" St. Louis Riverfront Times
"Jacobs has the ability to make his 12-string sound like 24 strings being played by three people" Akron Beacon Journal
From jigs to jazz Jacobs gives you high speed harmonics and arrangements that keep your feet moving." Austin Chronicle
“The ‘Ghostrider Medley’ alone was worth the price of admission”
The Lincoln Theater
"Neil Jacobs is hard to describe. He is one of the best , ( if not the best),
12 string guitar player in the world. The pure passion and talent! He's a storyteller and musician extraordinaire!" Pin Drop Concerts
"He came out alone, and sounded like everything from a guitar to a symphony orchestra" Jay Ungar
"Neil Jacobs produced other-worldly sounds on his 12-string guitar that few people thought possible....bewitching musicianship” Ohio Wesleyan University
"Think classical guitar is boring? Well, it can be, but in the hands of international musician Neil Jacobs, it is anything but!" It's classical 12-string guitar with a sense of humor" Howmet Playhouse
Low-key humor, without crassness or politics, and a kind-hearted disposition, create a personal connection between Neil and his audience. One leaves the concert feeling blessed by his spirit, soothed and healed by his musicality, and amazed/stunned by his technique. Dan Anderson Music Review
"Melodiös, sphärdish, exotish" Bad Wildungen - German Press
"VIrtuoz na dvanaestžičanoj akustičnoj gitari" Stav Magazine - Sarajevo, Bosnia
"The ingenious guitarist Neil Jacobs, which hervorzauberte on its voluminösen doppelchörig covered Westerngitarre sound effects tremendous by its breath-robbing Virtuosität." 'Neue Zeit' screen review, German TV
"A superb 12-string guitar virtuoso" Marjan Ornik, Libra Radio, Slovenia
"Neil Jacobs is a virtuoso on the 12-string guitar, with a beautiful and varied guitar tone palette" Marc Nolis, editor "Mazz Muzikas", Belgium
"His twelve-string guitar sounds like an entire orchestra." Dean Reed, "Und Seine Lieder”
“He touches the soul of the Gypsy."
Laszlo Regezcy-Nagy (Secretary to the President of Hungary)
że amerykańscy wykonawcy gdy sięgają po muzykę europejską, zwykle kierują swoje oczy na Wyspy Brytyjskiej, inspirując się tamtejszą, bardzo silną sceną folkową. Tymczasem Neil Jacobs pokazuje nam, że może być inaczej. Album "American Gypsy", to nie tyle historia o amerykańskich Cyganach, ale raczej po prostu amerykańskie spojrzenie na muzykę kojarzona z podróżami z taborem i gorącą cygańską miłością. Trio które nagrało tą płytę, to prawdziwi fachowcy.Sam Neil Jacobs zasłynął jako mistrz gry na dwunastostrunowej gitarze. To on jest autorem wszystkich znajdujących się tu kompozycji, w które powplatał misternie motywy zaczerpnięte z tradycji serbskiej, chorwackiej, macedońskiej i węgierskiej. Arkadiy Gips, to skrzypek pochodzący z Ukrainy, który nadaje muzyce zawartej na tym albumie dużej dozy autentyczności. Z kolei Steven Fox, grający na kontrabasie, daje zespołowi solidne jazzowe podstawy.W takim składzie udało się zarejestrować płytę spójną, która doskonale prezentuje muzyczną wizję Neila Jacobsa. Polish Review - Wydawać by się mogło
Neil's personal experiences in Bosnia and the Balkans following the war led him to study the treasured Sevdalinka music of Bosnia. He is quite honored to be featured in a five page article in STAV Magazine based in Sarajevo. The article outlines Neil's diverse musical history and explains how he became fascinated by Sevdah music.
"Neil Jacobs' World 12-string Solo Guitar compositions incorporate mesmerizing, haunting, classical, Gypsy, Macedonian, and Russian melodies; they are melodic, with rich harmony—no meaningless New-Age fluff here. His style reminds one of Leo Kottke, Al DiMeola, and Phil Keaggy, blended together. Guitarists will glean much for their technique arsenal, watching Neil play: harmonics, neck bending for vibrato, open-chords, string-damping for percussive 7/4-time strumming, hybrid picking, subtle and soothing fingerpicking, percussive drumming on the neck and top and sides, swirling and powerful strumming from the bridge to the sound-hole to the neck… (It’s a wonder his strings don’t break, his fist doesn’t go right through the soundboard, and his fingers don’t bleed!) Meticulous care is given to technical details, using quality guitars, sound-hole and bridge pickups into the acoustic amp, and mixing into the P.A."
Low-key humor, without crassness or politics, and a kind-hearted disposition, create a personal connection between Neil and his audience. One leaves the concert feeling blessed by his spirit, soothed and healed by his musicality, and amazed/stunned by his technique. Dan Anderson Music Review

"The world's greatest unknown 12-string guitarist, master of the symphonic acoustic guitar"
Howard Gray, KGLT Radio Montana
“Plays the daylights out of the 12-string guitar” Ohio Fingerstyle Guitar Club
"From jigs to jazz Jacobs gives you high speed harmonics and arrangements that keep your feet moving." Austin Chronicle
"He’s hell on wheels on the 12-string guitar” Columbus Folk Music Society
"Jacobs' can evoke sincere emotion without getting in the listener’s face with overly flashy pyrotechnics. This speaks volumes about his dedication to letting the music (and not any fireworks) get his message across." Bill Binkelman, Wind and Wire
"Crosses spritely madrigal and folk alongside mutated gigue for an almost surreal effect James Joyce would have approved of" Mark S. Tucker, Folk & Acoustic Music Exchange Review
“This award-winning performer and composer has toured the world, bringing a whole new emotional and spiritual virtuosity to the instrument." F.A.M.E Review
"His 12-string guitar instrumentals sound as if they were born in an exotic cerebral locale."
St. Louis Riverfront Times
“He brings to mind John Fahey traveling through strange and exotic lands” Windham Hill Rejection Letter
“One of the most dazzling solo performances imaginable" The North Coast Voice
"Jacobs' mastery of the instrument is magical" The New Age Reporter
“Sobbing melodies and fiery rhythms” Cleveland Plain Dealer
"utterly magnificent instrumental acoustic guitar music” Renaissance Magazine
“A modern virtuoso of one of the most amazing instruments on the planet” Eric Paul Review